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Sodastream 7 Up Syrup 440ml

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SKU 42SOD-266404 Category Tags , Brands:


SODA STREAM 266404 7 UP 440ML

  • Flavoured syrup to add to normal or carbonated water
  • Makes up to 9 litres of ready-to-drink Pepsi soda
  • You can now prepare your favourite soft drinks at home instead of carrying 6 packs or heavy bundles
  • Kinder to the environment — 1 Sodastream bottle (in use for 3 years) is tested to replace 5,070 bottles and cans which an average family uses in 3 years
  • Easy on the pocket — at R3,33 per litre of sparkling water, a Sodastream Sparkling Water Maker saves you money in the long run

Additional information

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 8 × 5 × 20 cm

Shipping Info

Ships everywhere
2 working days after dispatch
depending on stock availability

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